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Work-Based Learning

What is Work Based Learning?
Sustained interactions with employers or community professionals in real workplace settings, to the extent practicable, or simulated environments at an educational instruction that foster in-depth, first-hand engagement with the tasks required of a given career field, that are aligned to curriculum, instruction, and CTE program standards. (source: MDE)
Why is Work Based Learning Important? 
Work Based Learning gives students an opportunity to:
  1. Bring relevance to learning and experience 
  2. Explore career possibilities before college or trade school 
  3. Make informed decisions about their future plans

Why is Work Based Learning Necessary? 
Many of Jenison’s students have reported that they would have benefited to have more opportunities for career awareness, exploration, preparation, and training before graduation. 

By offering Work Based Learning, as a credit elective class, it ensures that all students have had the opportunity to “try on” careers before deciding on post secondary plans,  increasing students ability to pursue post secondary plans that fit their unique skills and interests. 

What are the various categories of Work Based Learning? 

Broad learning around careers and opportunitiesLearning & connecting students to emerging interestsLearning that requires direct interaction over a period of time with a professional requiring application of transferable skillsLearning that happens through on-the-job experiences

High School students and parents should contact the CTE Director, Mrs. Kelly Kirkland, with any questions: 
Email Address: [email protected] 

Other Information: 
  • WBL in the Legislature: In December of 2018, Section 380.1277 of (Michigan Legislature) requires schools to include work based learning in their school improvement plans.

  • WBL in the Instructional Model: Work Based Learning fits into many aspects of the Jenison Public Schools instructional model. WBL connects students with skill and experiential based learning. Personalized learning includes WBL to ensure students are making goals related to their unique career interests and abilities.

Each Will Thrive Figure

Students working the front counter of a bakery
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